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youth connects cultures

Германия, Португалия, Россия, Армения



В современном обществе молодежь вынуждена концентрироваться на развитии когнитивных навыков и материалистическом и индивидуалистическом успехе, что приводит к трудностям с человеческим взаимодействием, эмоциональным интеллектом и социальной коммуникацией. Под социальным давлением идентичность, убеждения, восприятие, отношения и образ жизни молодых людей могут быть поставлены под сомнение, и они могут почувствовать себя потерянными и оторванными от своего истинного «я».
Таким образом, поскольку современное развитие мира ведет к глобализации, может возникнуть недостаток межкультурного мирного общения и диалога для лучшего понимания и интеграции в многокультурную среду.
В связи с этим молодые люди часто нуждаются в поддержке со стороны более опытных сверстников, которые могут дать им представление о таких темах, как внимательность, эмоциональный интеллект, здоровый образ жизни, межкультурное обучение и неформальное образование.
Поэтому крайне важно вдохновлять молодежь, интегрировать ее эмоциональное и психическое состояние в здоровую образовательную среду и ориентировать ее на преодоление вызовов современного общества в личностном, социальном и межкультурном контексте с помощью методов неформального образования.

Отзывы участников:
«Это была невероятная поездка на 10 дней в удивительное место, полное эмоций и фантастических людей! Мне очень понравилось быть в Берлине. Люди очень внимательные и дружелюбные, включая фасилитаторов и организаторов этого проекта». Тема молодежного обмена была «YOUth CONNECTs CULTUREs». Мне понравилась эта тема и все проведенные мероприятия. Я улучшила многие навыки и получила новые знания. Это был обогащающий опыт. Мы познакомились с людьми из разных стран, их культурой, их кухней, мы делились знаниями и завели новых замечательных друзей! Это опыт, который, несомненно, стоит повторить». — Эрика Рубина Брито Камачо.
«Российская команда из шести человек приняла участие в 1-м этапе молодежного обмена «YOUth CONNECTs CULTURES» в Берлине, Германия. У нас появились друзья из Армении, Португалии и Германии. Все участники вместе работали над своей идентичностью и самопониманием, над тем, как повысить концентрацию и регулировать эмоции. Также молодые люди проводили мероприятия и дискуссии на тему mindfulness, здорового образа жизни и межкультурного обучения через неформальное образование. А во время проекта мы сосредоточились на здоровом питании и вегетарианстве. Мы очень благодарны CHANCE International и Altera Lab за организацию обмена и с нетерпением ждем 2-й фазы проекта в Армении». — Дмитрий Платонов.
«Это был замечательный проект, который помог мне успокоиться и сосредоточиться на себе. На проекте были замечательные люди, каждый из которых был уникален. Такой команде легко довериться, легко наладить контакт. Больше всего мне понравилось работать в парах на доверие, также медитация. Лаура и Иван — замечательные тренеры. Ира приготовила шикарное вегетарианское блюдо. Эти дни определенно повлияли на состояние многих людей. Спасибо вам большое))» — Софья Ильина.

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Время работы 10-16:00 с понедельника по пятницу.


get to know this project

In contemporary societies, youth is forced to focus on the development of cognitive skills and materialistic & individualistic success, which leads to difficulties with human interactions, emotional intelligence, and social communication. Under the social pressure, young people’s identities, beliefs, perceptions, relationships and lifestyles can become challenged, and they can feel lost and disconnected from their true selves.
Thus, as modern world developments lead to globalisation, there can be a lack of intercultural peaceful communication and dialogue for better understanding, and integration into multicultural environments.
Because of this, young people often need empowerment from more experienced peers who can provide insights on the topics of mindfulness, emotional intelligence, healthy lifestyle, intercultural learning and non-formal education.
It is therefore of essential importance to inspire the youngsters, integrate their emotional and mental state into a healthy educational environment, and navigate them in overcoming the challenges of modern society in personal, social and intercultural context with non-formal education methods.

Feedback from participants after the first part:
“It was an incredible trip of 10 days in a wonderful place, full of emotions and fantastic people! I loved being in Berlin. The people are very attentive and friendly, including the facilitators and organizers of this project. The Youth Exchange theme was “YOUth CONNECTs CULTUREs”. I loved the theme and all the activities carried out. I improved so many skills and gained new knowledge. It was an enriching experience. We met people from different countries, their culture, their cuisine, we shared knowledge and made new great friends! An experience to repeat without a doubt.“ — Érica Rubina Brito Camacho.
“A Russian team of six people took part in the 1st phase of the youth exchange “YOUth CONNECTs CULTURES” in Berlin, Germany. We made friends from Armenia, Portugal and Germany. All participants worked together on their identity and self-understanding, on how to increase concentration and regulate emotions. Also, young people conducted activities and discussions on mindfulness, healthy lifestyles and intercultural learning through non-formal education. And during the project, we focused on healthy eating and vegetarianism. We are very grateful to CHANCE International and Altera Lab for organising the exchange and look forward to the 2nd phase of the project in Armenia.“ — Dmitrii Platonov.
“It was a wonderful project that helped me calm down and focus on myself. There were wonderful people on the project, each was unique. It is easy to trust such a team, it is easy to make contact. Most of all, I enjoyed working in pairs on trust, also meditation. Laura and Ivan are wonderful coaches. Ira cooked a chic vegetarian dish. These days definitely affected the state of many people. Thank you very much)) “ — Sofia Ilina.


our requirements

The project will bring together 20 young people and 4 team leaders – from Germany, Portugal, Russia and Armenia. The conditions of participation are the following:
— age: 20 — 26 years old;
— readiness for active cooperation and working on the ideas;
— working language is English (participants having a language barrier will be provided with the linguistic support).


it's important to read before applying

The project is funded by Erasmus + Programme. The accommodation, food, exchange activities will be covered by the organisers.

You can find the youth exchange’s daily program through the links — German part & Armenian part
Please bear in mind that the program can change depending on new circumstances. We also kindly ask you to remember that the minimum of 90% of the program has to be attended. Unauthorized absence from activities and workshops is not permitted and may cost you your travel reimbursement.
To make sure that you will receive back the money you spent on the tickets, please preapprove your travel plan with the coordinating organisation from your country before buying any of the tickets as there are some restrictions that has to be followed.
Please, don’t forget to validate your tickets and save all the originals of all tickets and receipts. Without it we won’t be able to make the reimbursement.

be part of this project

asked questions

Here is the list with answers to the most popular questions about us and what we do

Most of the international youth exchanges are targeted at young people between the ages of 12 and 30. However, more and more opportunities for children are developed with each year. International youth exchanges are basically aimed at all adolescents and young adults. The youth exchanges organised by CHANCE International are usually targeting young people from 18 to 26 (in some cases up to 30) and funded within the Erasmus + programme.

We distinguish between participant contribution and total costs. The participant contribution is 50 Euro at max, depending on the project. During 2021 there is no participation fee. If the contribution is too high, we will always find a way for you to participate in an encounter. Please contact us!

A youth exchange is financed by the organiser’s own funds, third-party funds and the participant’s contribution. Third-party funds are provided by the Federal Government from the Child and Youth Plan and European funds from the Erasmus+ youth programme. Third-party funds are applied for by the organiser or sponsor.

To participate in our projects, you should be interested in the project topic, cultural exchange and cooperation with other participants. We do not require any foreign language or other specific skills and qualifications. 

We expect our participants: 
— to be involved in all project phases;
— to co-design the project, it’s activities and results.
We welcome sharing of  knowledge and skills of participants with each other.

— all participants are obliged to take PCR tests: upon departure from Germany, upon arrival in a partner country and upon departure from it;
— participants are obliged to wear FPP2 masks in public places;
— organisers will provide masks and sanitizers for everybody during the full course of the project;
— the host party will ensure the sufficient degree of safety regarding the living conditions and program activities — for example — execution of project activities in well-ventilated areas or on fresh air, keeping a safe distance from other visitors or avoiding any outside contact when executing such activities;
— in case of infection — isolation of the participant, splitting the costs of medical treatment between three parties — receiving and sending organization and the participant.

contact us

Still have any questions?

Call us or send an E-Mail and we’ll answer all of them.

We’re available Monday-Friday 10-16:00